Electrodeless Discharge Lamps
Electrodeless Discharge Lamps (EDLs) are designed to be physically interchangeable with Lumina Hollow Cathode Lamps and their power supplies are built into all PinAAcle series of atomic absorption spectrometers. PerkinElmer System 2 EDLs consist of the element, or a salt of the element, sealed in a quartz bulb containing an inert gas atmosphere. When an RF field of sufficient power is applied, the inert gas is ionized and the coupled energy vaporizes the element and excites the atoms inside the bulb, resulting in the emission of the characteristic spectrum.
All Electrodeless Discharge Lamps are warranted to light and emit the spectra of the element indicated for two years or 1,000 hours of operation from the initial date of shipment, whichever comes first.
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